Phone: 253-535-9477      Fax: 253-535-3637          Address: 757 138th St. South Tacoma, WA 98444

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Welcome to St. Mary’s, a Traditional Catholic parish in Tacoma WA.



The traditional Latin Mass is a perfect expression of the unchanging and unchangeable Catholic doctrine on the nature of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. In Catholic theology, the Mass is the renewal and application to our daily lives of the greatest act of worship, the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. Holy Mass reminds us of our duty to our Creator. In the Mass we join with the perfect Sacrifice Jesus offered to His Eternal Father on Calvary. St. Mary’s lovely church provides a marvelous setting for the celebration of the sacred liturgy.


Meet your parish Priests

Rev. Fr. Michael J. Anaya (Left) and  Rev. Fr. Michael Sautner, O.S.B. (Right)


“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it.”

(Psalm 126:1)



Weekly Bulletin

2025 CMRI Calendar

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© 2015 St. Mary’s Parish