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Visitors will notice that a prayerful silence permeates the chapel at all times. In many churches today, it is considered acceptable to carry on conversations before or after Mass, or to make occasional comments to one’s neighbor during the course of the service. Here at St. Mary’s, we request that you follow the custom of maintaining a spirit of reverent silence in church. The church is truly the House of God. Silence is a sign of reverence for the presence of God and charity toward your neighbor. Remember, it is in silence that one hears God.


Visitors are welcome to attend Holy Mass and join in offering worship to Almighty God. Holy Communion, the reception of the Holy Eucharist, is the culmination of every Mass. Catholics believe that the Holy Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, truly, really and substantially present under the outward appearances of bread and wine. The Catholic Church teaches that in receiving Holy Communion we fulfill the command of Christ: “Unless a man eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, he shall not have life in him.”


Reception of the Holy Eucharist signifies the profession of the Catholic Faith and only informed Catholics should receive communion, after proper preparation; three hours fasting from food and alcoholic beverages and one hour from liquids. Water and medications may be taken at any time.

Out of respect for the Most Blessed Sacrament, and for your fellow parishioners, please observe the following standards of dress in church:

  1. Jeans and other casual attire are inappropriate at church services.
  2. Women and girls must cover their heads with a suitable hat or veil (I Cor. 11:5,6,10). Chapel veils are available for loan in the vestibule.
  3. Women and girls must wear dresses or skirts that cover the knee completely when sitting or standing. Slacks, sleeveless tops and tight or low-cut clothing do not meet the norm of Christian modesty.
  4. Men and boys should wear suit coats and ties. Tee shirts are not acceptable; please wear a collared shirt.

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